T r a i n i n g s and w o r k s h o p s
“Connecting Communication”
Intro workshop (2-4 hours), Deepening workshop (6 hours), Training (4-8 hours, weekend, week) or Course (4-12 weeks)
Basic course: Connecting Communication (beginners)
Intermediate course: Connecting Communication (intermediate)
Advanced course: Connecting Communication (advanced)
The purpose of the training is to learn the method of NVC so that you can apply it in your daily life. In addition to theory, the participants get many opportunities to practice with personal work and / or private situations. In this way skills are built up that help to have more fulfilling relationships.
Content: we dive into the 4 steps of the NVC communication model: observation, feeling, need and request. We learn to distinguish between this new way of communicating and the traditional way that we have all learned since childhood. And we practice becoming aware of the 3 choices in communication: self-connection, expression, listening. We also pay attention to the function of and ways to deal with emotions such as anger, grief, fear, shame, guilt, and how we can find the underlying needs. Additional topics include dealing with: inner conflicts, conflicts with others, demands, opinions, saying no, empathic listening.
Courses are open to the public (open registration). In addition, I provide customized training to teams within organizations. In our initial conversation(s), we examine specific themes, skills and exercises that best suit the situation. I hold the strong intention to include management when trainings are given to teams.
Signing up for an Intermediate or Advanced Course is only possible after finishing the Basic Course.
To optimize your learning progress I suggest to spend an hour or more on weekly practices and exercises that I offer.
“Connecting Communicating with Children”
Intro workshop (2-4 hours), Deepening workshop (6 hours), Training (4-8 hours, weekend, week) or Course (4-12 weeks)
I provide this training for parents, carers or people who work with children and teenagers. I offer theory, themes and exercises that are specifically aimed at situations with children. For example, how can you deal with your own anger, guilt and how to deal with conflicts with your child, how can you set clear, safe limits without punishment, etc.
The purpose of the training is to learn NVC skills so that you can apply it in your daily life with children. In addition to theory, the participants get many opportunities to practice with personal situations. In this way skills are built up that lead to more fulfilling relationships.
Content: we dive into the 4 steps of the NVC communication model: observation, feeling, need and request. We learn to distinguish between this new way of communicating and the traditional way that we have all learned since childhood. And we practice becoming aware of the 3 choices in communication: self-connection, expression, listening. We also pay attention to the function of and ways to deal with emotions such as anger, grief, fear, shame, guilt, and how we can find the underlying needs. Additional topics include dealing with: inner conflicts, conflicts with others, demands, opinions, saying no, empathic listening.
“Connecting Communication for Couples”
Intro workshop (2-4 hours), Deepening workshop (6 hours), Training (4-8 hours, weekend, week) or Course (4-8 weeks)
The purpose of the training is to learn NVC skills that can be applied daily within your relationship, for mutual understanding, compassion and agreements that work. In addition to theory, participants get many opportunities to practice with real situations. In this way skills are built up that help to have more fulfilling relationships.
Content: we dive into the 4 steps of the NVC communication model: observation, feeling, need and request. We learn to distinguish between this new way of communicating and the traditional way that we have all learned since childhood. And we practice becoming aware of the 3 choices in communication: self-connection, expression, listening. We also pay attention to the function of and ways to deal with emotions such as anger, grief, fear, shame, guilt, and how we can find the underlying needs. Additional topics include dealing with: inner conflicts, demands, opinions, saying no, empathic listening and connecting in conflict.
Special Workshop: “Self-Connection, Self-Compassion & Self-Care”
(6 hours)
Content and objective: how can you become more aware of your needs and be much friendlier with yourself? In this training I offer concrete NVC-based exercises that you can use to turn self-criticism into self-acceptance. I teach you how to move from self-disapproval to self-compassion on a daily basis and experience more satisfaction, balance and joy in life.
Special Workshop: “The Art of Mourning”
(6 hours)
Content and objective: how can you learn to deal with loss and change – both small and large? What is the wisdom and function of emotional pain? How can you allow your pain and sadness and make contact with your underlying needs? How can you find support that actually helps you and how can NVC help you with this?
No requirements for these trainings
Optional assignments and exercises are offered to deepen at home, alone or with other participants. We also regularly work with an (also voluntary) empathy buddy system, in which the learned skills of listening and expressing can be mastered.
Participants are not required to purchase any materials. If you would like to read about NVC, we suggest Marshall Rosenberg’s “Nonviolent Communication: A language of life.”